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发表于 2008-5-15 14:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
基于CAD/CAM一体化教学辅助软件的研究与开发8 l. ]' C" k& J& _
——AutoCAD教学辅助软件 (ACADCAI)
, o2 s4 o3 Y/ c4 C! }' p 本帖转自中国知网论坛:! e6 B8 ~- A& z* K
2 S1 s% H/ S0 V* A* k' P$ G
  W: d7 n- e. J4 P% P/ Q
目   录
% `, s! j, X8 l% }6 K4 L6 G# c
2 N$ l6 k. t& z: w5 x: C前 言                1        
+ I) J& Z  W9 @' W第1章 简介        2
& B, g7 }  f6 Q& `+ B) B& D$ w第1.1节 多媒体技术与教育        26 H% r2 u. [6 d% ~6 G$ G
第1.2节 多媒体计算机辅助教学的优越性        2
5 o3 q0 ]9 U9 S+ y; D第1.3节 多媒体计算机辅助教学的作用        3
' @: f+ z0 h7 t/ o' u* ]8 i& j/ V0 ^第1.4节 本课题的目的和意义        4
! b& {* S) T* F, ]# [9 p  S第2章 软件设计方案        5- P) w3 J! u5 z* M
第2.1节 编制CAI课件要遵循的原则        5" j/ V% Y: s  K
第2.2节 多媒体学习软件开发的一般过程        6( t. D& J( q/ W' v! J. R
第2.3节 技术路线        7
2 Y& x+ \: u3 i7 j, k$ S# J第2.4节 PowerPoint 功能介绍        74 _4 j2 z, Y; c' p
第3章 软件设计说明        9
& B+ Y1 o! c3 S  i' s第3.1节ACADCAI素材收集过程        94 H1 V. z. _% c
第3.2节 PPT的制作过程        9
6 m! H# z, G& G4 l! a" h第3.3节 软件安装        20+ g6 K" t/ l8 P! B) [4 v# ?8 N
第3.4节 软件使用说明        21
; `5 a1 ^1 H+ c4 z! Y# X5 t第3.5节 软件测试和分析报告        23
  E- Z( I) N/ ?4 j/ E结论和体会        24
$ G. y5 }; c( e6 a) ^参考文献        25$ \- y: T; y3 e) N& F' q, `$ t) n
致谢        26
- q* g& g9 ?3 Y附图        27
+ n9 V( F% C1 l# N, J' \前  言1 _7 P7 n  C) \/ t
AutoCAD是美国AutoDesk公司开发的计算机辅助绘图和设计系统,由于其功能强大齐全,而操作又简单方便,它已成为目前国内最为流行的计算机辅助绘图软件。因而,多数院校已将该软件作为本科学生的一门必修课程或融合到制图课程中,其目的是培养学生应用计算机辅助设计软件,辅助本专业的工程设计能力。但AutoCAD作为一种实用软件,上课除要求学生理解其基本概念外,更主要的是要求学生掌握该软件的操作方法和使用技巧。由于这些操作方法步骤多且复杂,实践性极强,单靠教师用语言甚至课堂板书文字等按传统教学方法教学,根本很难表达清楚。而学生在这种传统的教学方式下不仅对所学内容难以理解和记忆,而且也会感到枯燥乏味,严重影响学生的学习积极性。所以这类课程的教学通常直接在电脑室利用诸如投影仪或电子教室等设备或软件进行教学。也就是教师边讲边演示,而学生是边听边操作实践。基于这一特点,开发一个适合于课堂教学的AutoCAD CAI 课件是非常必要的[1]。作者在课堂教学中经过探讨,编写了适合于此类课程教学的电子讲稿型CAI课件,本文讨论该课件的设计及电子讲稿型课件的设计原则。
8 f# n1 t8 k- x" j) ?  W
; v4 j- K1 x4 q0 E/ _* ?
8 U1 l: P3 t' N
0 z2 s, O; K4 V' J  n
- G% u  c- h, N5 c. k& w7 h- q" H7 g9 B& S! p
6 z8 z& g5 s& H2 V

+ \# f% Z5 D  y" m! ]$ i' h
2 U0 Z4 c+ u: n
: u# P5 I& j/ R! U9 b! _( ^! i$ l- [$ C8 i: a+ T
2 E* O& n! ]- R8 F! b8 R1 ]

# y9 G: A) l1 Y, I                                                                                       1  简  介
3 i( m8 @2 J/ M& G" R4 \/ O0 M1.1多媒体技术与教育
( k) {( h% }# _* {* K- U' U0 o多媒体技术是使用计算机交互式综合技术和数字通信技术处理多种表示媒体——数值、文本、图形、图像、声音、动画、和视频,是多种信息建立逻辑连接,集成为一个交互系统。它可以把外部的媒体信息,通过计算机加工处理后,以图片、文字、声音、动画、影像等多方式输出,以达到丰富的动态表现。多媒体有三个显著特点:一是信息载体的多样性;二是集成性;三是交互性 [2] 。) Q) |, C3 z( E+ H: s* @  c5 A
多媒体计算机辅助教学(Multi Media Computer Assisted Instruction简称MCAI)是九十年多媒体技术与计算机辅助教学(CAI)结合的产物。 由于多媒体计算机集文字、图形、艺术品、动画图像、声音等音频和视频信息融为一体,并能根据使用者的要求,进行一系列方便、灵活多样的人机交互,能具有生动的形象和友好的人机界面;用于辅助教学,能极大地活跃课堂教学气氛,能充实和丰富课堂的教学内容与信息,激发了学生的学习兴趣和求知欲,并能使学生的注意力更为集中,因而能有效地提高教学质量和效率[3]。多媒体信息为学生提供多样的外部刺激,超媒体联想式的非线性信息组织结构为学生提供多种多样的探索知识的途径,友好的图形交互界面为学生提供良好的参与环境,有利于激发学生的积极性! O7 P9 x* ^0 ]

4 @. U% O8 \& |% s0 S0 s3 ]# x7 y! b8 {9 Q4 X

( L0 ?- Y3 P$ [9 M6 o" x
# X9 c, Y" c; A1 j3 V* X/ W: J$ Y/ ?# F4 S
Improving CAD education:
. r  [# z* ^) v7 ^( e    In the survey, the participants were asked what they think about the current status of CAD education in colleges and universities. Only 8% of the participants think that current CAD education is adequate. 18% of the participants think that they have been taught too much, either in mathematics, or in computer science, or in mechanical engineering. 74% of the participants think they should have been taught more, in the order of, practical training, application development, computer science, mathematics, and mechanical engineering. This survey does not specify what specific subjects in the above-mentioned disciplines, e.g. whether NURBS in Mathematics, should be taught more. Below are comments made by two participants:/ r0 q' I/ L, E. V
    In general, current CAD education and training in colleges are far from adequate. Some colleges are still just teaching students simple 2D drawing skills (like AutoCAD). Even though some colleges have switched to 3D packages, the syllabus they present to students is not comprehensive and systematic. It is somewhat hard for students to get a big and clear picture of the CAD technology
& A) Z5 {, u6 o0 q1 ?* r! X    Many programs focus more on mechanical engineering and CAD usage within that respect, rather than CAD development/theory. Very few programs focus on CAD theory, except in research labs. Granted, it is an obscure field to study, but…while in graduate school I taught the CAD class for undergraduate students (most sophomores and juniors). The curriculum given to me by the faculty focused entirely on CAD tools and skills (how to draw a line…), rather than the application of CAD to Engineering, or the theory of CAD. Students came out of the class with knowledge of what buttons to push, but not how to use the CAD software to enhance the design process, and with very little knowledge of how CAD works. As with anything, knowing how something works can help you use it more effectively.# j8 Z8 Y" \! u1 f/ ~! q
CAD system evaluations3 }0 V$ C! \* ^3 Z# \
    CAD system evaluation is an important part of CAD application. Before even becoming a CAD user, a potential user might be involved in a system evaluation process that can lead to a purchase deal. Although CAD system evaluation is usually part of a larger engineering system evaluation, which may in addition involve company specific procedures, policies, and different departments, there are some aspects that are common to the CAD system evaluations.
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