[求助]请问fail to get commcntrcontroller错误出现的原因?
刚在xp上安装了R14-2006,只有2004和2005启动时出现该错误,请教!『Fail to get CommCntrController』 这个问题我也遇到过,不过确定以后不影响使用,我查了很多资料,还是没有找到答案。今天没有时间了,明天我再查一下。
楼主可够强的,全都装了。 好像有个信息中心造成的吧,不要紧的,联网设置一下好像就可以了吧 不过,你没有装2007吧,我装了,结果也是如此,一打开,“轰”地一声就弹出个你所描述的东西出来,吓人一跳,
要是能有办法消掉就好了! 打开 控制面板/管理工具/服务/DCOM服务器进程启动器(双击)
启动类型:自动 或 手动
I get the same message all the time. Have learned to live with it. I
was told here that it appears to have something to do with not being on
the Internet all the time, which was NOT the case (I have cable). I was
also told to go to Help and investigate Communication, which I did but
never got any information that would stop this error, so.......